[worktitle] Wevolver – Collaboration

The initiators slighty approached me around 2011 about a concept. After some explanation of their concept I decided to join them in the summer 2012. We are still working hard since then.

Our mission is to enable everyone to create and innovate, through online collaboration.
We live in interesting times, with both many opportunities as challenges, amidst disruptive technological and cultural developments

The web enables us to connect. Openness gives access to information.
Open and or free software lowers the barriers to create digitally.
Affordable and or open manufacturing technologies enable more people to create physical products.
The entry barriers to create are lowering fast. Innovation and creation are being democratized.

We believe in the power of bottom up processes. We believe open and closed, public and proprietary can coexist. Provided by the right legal tools and institutions, individuals and companies alike will get increased possibilities to create value and new opportunities to capture value.

It is our goal to leverage network technology and interface design to bring these assets to as many people as possible.
Follow the developments on: http://blog.wevolver.net/

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